Thursday, 17 December 2009
Sorry I'm Late
A short stop motion animation by Thomas Mankovsky which to me is amazingly done! The way he looked into birds eye view and perspective really makes the animation interesting..If you want to look into the making of then check out his website
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Amazing Dev-Artists
I have found a few Deviant artists which has created OUTSTANDING photomanipulations! So if your interested in photo editing then you really looking in these designers :)
This guy has one freaky collection of hybrids from a Squirrel-cat to a Wolf-bird! Martins hybrids look somewhat life like and real! I wouldnt want to walk into these animals! Have a look at Martins wacky creatures here
If you like portrait edits then this is girl to look at! Lunia has a fantasy sense on her portrait and the imagry is very deep. The colours on the models really makes them stand out! Have a look here :]
Erik Johansso
If Escher discovered photomanipulation then his work would be exactly like this! Erik's art is quirky and strange! He really plays with reality and creates surrealism in a new way. I love his work!
If you want to see more of his works then just click here

If Escher discovered photomanipulation then his work would be exactly like this! Erik's art is quirky and strange! He really plays with reality and creates surrealism in a new way. I love his work!
If you want to see more of his works then just click here
This guy has one freaky collection of hybrids from a Squirrel-cat to a Wolf-bird! Martins hybrids look somewhat life like and real! I wouldnt want to walk into these animals! Have a look at Martins wacky creatures here
If you like portrait edits then this is girl to look at! Lunia has a fantasy sense on her portrait and the imagry is very deep. The colours on the models really makes them stand out! Have a look here :]
Monday, 14 December 2009
Army Of Trolls - Pixel Art
My first ever form of graphic art was actually Pixel art, so Pixel art is one of my personal favourite art style! Whilsts looking into Salford for my Art project I bumped into this peice from "Army Of Trolls" and its a pixel reconstruction of salford city.

If you like pixel art then have a look at Army of Trolls Portfolio.
If you like pixel art then have a look at Army of Trolls Portfolio.
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Sunday, 6 December 2009
8 page booklet workshop
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Standard Social Networking for Models, Photographers, Makeup Artists, Assistant, Hair Stylists etc.
A brand new approach to online networking for Models, Photographers, Makeup Artists, Hair Stylists and Creatives surrounding the fashion photography industry.
A brand new approach to online networking for Models, Photographers, Makeup Artists, Hair Stylists and Creatives surrounding the fashion photography industry.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
In reply to the post before about the music video animation..
I have just watched the music video "Two Weeks" made by Gabe Askew[video GIBO mentioned] and it is amazing! This video has paper animation style that I have never seen before! I dont know how he has done it but the whole idea was deffiantly out the box. I also suggest for people watch this video!
I tend to look up animations alot when i'm on the internet and there was one i came across quite back now but I will never forget about it! This video is called "Muto" and is by a graffti artist called Blu, I have to say this is one of the best animations I have seen. "Muto" is a graffiti stop motion animation which was recorded on a abandoned building. Click play and be amazed!..

Favorite Music videos of the year.
This is probably my first of many tedious links to stuff I want to post, but as the year comes to a close. My house mate and I were talking about favorite albums of the year and Grizzly Bear Veckatimest is definitely one of mine. This is a link to a nice little animation someones done on vimeo.
Please add yours!
Please add yours!
Barcelona Trip Meeting next Thursday!

Can all Students attending the Barcelona trip please attend a meeting in the soft pod area at 1pm on Thursday the 10th of December (next thursday) Its crucial you all attend as we will be giving out important information for the trip. Also I have sent out an email with a confidential pro forma attached please can you fill this in and bring it to the meeting. This form needs to be completed or you won't be able to go on the trip.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Little resource that could help you
Just to let you know these a place near Castle Irwell campus that could of some use to people. Its called The Sign Studio and they deal with things such as banners, sticker, signs and much more. They are not a printers but they still have a lot to offer. Also the prices are cheaper than that of other such companies. If you wanted lets say this logo at about 1 foot height in vinyl then it would only cost you £5.
So if you need any stickers, banners or other such stuff for a project then go there.
So if you need any stickers, banners or other such stuff for a project then go there.
Monday, 30 November 2009
Printers In Manchester
Tash and I have been trying to come up with a list of printers in town that you might want to frequent! are ok but expensive sometimes are apparently cheap I love Marc the deal with a lot of recycled paper stocks and inks are really cheap and let you do small runs too I've only used them once but they were quite cheap and very friendly. i know a few students have printed books and magazines out from here.
Feel free to post up some links of ones that are good or bad . . . are ok but expensive sometimes are apparently cheap I love Marc the deal with a lot of recycled paper stocks and inks are really cheap and let you do small runs too I've only used them once but they were quite cheap and very friendly. i know a few students have printed books and magazines out from here.
Feel free to post up some links of ones that are good or bad . . .
Something to stumble upon
For those who don't know about It can be a bit of a lucky dip but found a really interesting website when I was showing the advertising course it this morning If you've got 5 take a peek.
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Friday, 27 November 2009
A photo manipulation tutorial.

The reason behind my design was that karate practically IS my life outside of work, friends and Uni.
I edited my photo in this way to show the 'Action' of the shot. Most times during competition, there are photo companies who come and photograph you during your matches, I buy them as mementos of the day. So when I look back, I can remember vividly the emotion I felt during that moment.
I have posted below the computer arts tutorial I followed and hopefully it'll be of some use to you all :)
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Free Island Mermaid Press []

If you really enjoyed that 8 page booklet workshop and would like to give it another ago then I have found a great site for inspiration. FIMP []actually has designers that creates their books in the 8 page folding style and they have a "FREE for all section". Just click here and you will get redirected to a selection of artists, once you click on one of the artists they will direct you to a webpage with links to PDF copies of their booklets unfolded, so you can print them out and refold them yourselfs! The books are all mixed media based so theres a range of them to look into and their all insperational! Have a look =]

Marti Haykin

Pati Bristow

Laura welcomes you all!!

RAWR to all graphic designers!!
I'm Laura Smith most of you should know me by now from group B [hopefully]. Well I will be contributing to this blog and hopefully update with artist's that may interests you all.
I hope your all enjoying your course and well done to everyone who gave in their first project finals and contextual studies essays.
Remember to keep an eye on this blog for lots and lots of updates! =]
Toodles, Laura x

Yey a blog is born!

Hello to all you lovely first years here is a blog so feel free to share ideas, add comments and nosey at what everyones up to. Please use the blog responsibly when talking about others work. I'm going to be sticking things up everyday with posts from artists and designers to what I ate for lunch that day feel free to do the same!
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