Tash and I have been trying to come up with a list of printers in town that you might want to frequent!
http://www.printing.com/contact/samples are ok but expensive sometimes
http://www.reflexmedia.co.uk/ are apparently cheap
http://www.marctheprinters.org/ I love Marc the deal with a lot of recycled paper stocks and inks are really cheap and let you do small runs too
http://www.pdc-manchester.co.uk/ I've only used them once but they were quite cheap and very friendly.
http://www.entwistlegroup.co.uk/ i know a few students have printed books and magazines out from here.
Feel free to post up some links of ones that are good or bad . . .
Monday, 30 November 2009
Something to stumble upon
For those who don't know about http://www.stumbleupon.com It can be a bit of a lucky dip but found a really interesting website when I was showing the advertising course it this morning www.webdesignerdepot.com If you've got 5 take a peek.
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Friday, 27 November 2009
A photo manipulation tutorial.

The reason behind my design was that karate practically IS my life outside of work, friends and Uni.
I edited my photo in this way to show the 'Action' of the shot. Most times during competition, there are photo companies who come and photograph you during your matches, I buy them as mementos of the day. So when I look back, I can remember vividly the emotion I felt during that moment.
I have posted below the computer arts tutorial I followed and hopefully it'll be of some use to you all :)
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Free Island Mermaid Press [www.fimp.net]

If you really enjoyed that 8 page booklet workshop and would like to give it another ago then I have found a great site for inspiration. FIMP [www.fimp.net]actually has designers that creates their books in the 8 page folding style and they have a "FREE for all section". Just click here and you will get redirected to a selection of artists, once you click on one of the artists they will direct you to a webpage with links to PDF copies of their booklets unfolded, so you can print them out and refold them yourselfs! The books are all mixed media based so theres a range of them to look into and their all insperational! Have a look =]

Marti Haykin

Pati Bristow

Laura welcomes you all!!

RAWR to all graphic designers!!
I'm Laura Smith most of you should know me by now from group B [hopefully]. Well I will be contributing to this blog and hopefully update with artist's that may interests you all.
I hope your all enjoying your course and well done to everyone who gave in their first project finals and contextual studies essays.
Remember to keep an eye on this blog for lots and lots of updates! =]
Toodles, Laura x

Yey a blog is born!

Hello to all you lovely first years here is a blog so feel free to share ideas, add comments and nosey at what everyones up to. Please use the blog responsibly when talking about others work. I'm going to be sticking things up everyday with posts from artists and designers to what I ate for lunch that day feel free to do the same!
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