Hmm pretty sure Baskerville is default on all of our computers but this is Zuzana Licko's revival of Baskerville. It is named after Sarah Eaves, John Baskerville's housekeeper, who later became his wife. Another classic!
Letter Gothic was designed by Roger Roberson for IBM sometime between 1956 and 1962 according to adobe. It does look like the font used on old PC keyboards. Anyway used it quite a bit recently.
Dom Casual is an American typeface designed in 1951 by Peter Dom. It's been used on loads on retro TV shows including Neighbors and a lot of the Hanna Barbara cartoons in the 1960's. I've noticed in creeping back into a few publications recently and on the website Feel free to stick your own stuff up here.
Giambattista Bodoni invented the classic type face Bodoni in the seventeen hundreds, but the adaptation of 'bodoni poster' by Chauncey H. Griffith is defo one of my favs. Think it's free to download to.